the WordPress bible is the ultimate video series for the beginning WordPress blogger

this six part video series takes you by the hand and teaches you the a to z's of WordPress 

you will have your own WordPress blog up and running in minutes.

Date: April 20th, 2008
Time: 9:17 AM

Dear Reader:

WordPress has become one of the most popular blogging platforms. There are several reasons for this but the two most important reasons for it's recent popularity are:

  • Search engines eat them up like candy. The WordPress platform is built to create search engine optimized pages. With the addition of plugins it becomes quite easy to dominate the search engines.
  • There is no other blogging platform as flexible in both design and functionality.  There are thousands of free themes that you can use to change the look of your blog. There are also thousands of plugins that can extend the functionality of a WordPress blog. The possibilities are almost endless.
Look at this blog:

look at his blog

It was built with a free template and free plugins. You can easily make blogs as nice as this in no time at all.

The biggest obstacle with using WordPress has always been that it was cumbersome to use until you got used to it. That was before the release of version 2.5 which is what this video series is  based on. It is much simpler to use and has many new functions. This video series will show you how to use the new streamlined interface and advanced functions - such as the media manager.

This is truly a must have if you have ever wanted to learn how to use WordPress. The WordPress Bible is an A to Z video guide that shows you the whole setup process from install to the final product.

Don't wait - grab your copy now! 

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PS. Get your copy of the video series now before the price goes up. This is an introductory price and will go up without notice.